Appendix 5 - Summary of City Plan Part 2 Consultation Stages


Four phases of public consultation since 2016 have informed the preparation of the CPP2. At each stage, full details of the consultation undertaken, and representations received were included in published Statements of Consultation along with a main summary of issues raised and how they were taken into account.


·                Twelve week Issues and Options scoping consultation (2016) enabled residents, local groups, stakeholders and statutory consultees to influence the shape of the plan and its policies and involved focused workshops/stakeholder events and a ‘call for sites’.  Around 458 people attended the various events. 197 respondents made formal 2,901 representations. Two petitions; one related to St Aubyn’s Playing Field (1,766 signatures) and one related to controlling HMOs (1,295 signatures) were submitted. The issues raised at the events, the consultation responses and petitions helped shape the draft Plan.


·                Ten week Draft City Plan Part Two consultation (2018) allowed detailed responses on the draft site allocations and policy wording. 1,308 representations were received from 349 respondents together with a petition signed by 518 residents against the allocation of land at and adjacent Horsdean Recreation Ground. The comments and petitions informed the preparation of the final version of the Plan.


·                Eight week consultation on the Proposed Submission City Plan Part 2 (2020) allowed respondents to focus their comments on legal compliance and soundness. 272 respondents raised 810 representations. Four petitions were submitted regarding urban fringe sites with over 6,000 signatures. The petitions, representations and evidence submitted were submitted for the Inspector to consider.


·                Seven week Main Modification consultation (March 2022) allowed representation on the changes the Inspector was considering necessary to the plan. Twenty respondents made 49 representations which were sent to the Inspector to consider.